Last week we were watching a Barney & Friends episode on PBS and one of the characters, I think it was BJ, was pretending to be a superhero. He was wearing a cape and my little one begged me to get one for him.
We coudn't find one locally, so I started looking online. I found some toddler's custom made capes for $35 plus shipping and handling and I thought they were on the expensive side. I also found instructions on how to make one and decided to give it a try. I bought one yard of red cotton fabric for $2 and I already had some yellow and blue felt (for design). Yay! I finally had a chance to use my sewing machine that had been collecting dust since the last time I used it to make curtains for the formal dining/living area of my home.
In the original pattern I found online they used fabric hook-and-loop fasteners but my son was complaining it was uncomfortable, so I went to J's and bought a fashion fit clip for $4. I removed the elastic fabric and then the clips were hand sewn to the cape. It is not perfect, but he loves it!!